Unbreakable Corelle

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Jan 13, 2005
I've talked numerous times here about Corelle being our preferred on-board (RV or boat) dinnerware. 30+ years of boating in rough seas and a similar time in RVs running down the road resulted in no damage to our Corelle dinnerware. Yesterday I broke the first piece! I headed across the patio with a dinner plate loosely tucked under my arm and, as I approached the gazebo, something happened in the storm that caused me to raise my arm, and the plate fell on concrete, smashing into numerous pieces. I wonder if they have a 30+ year warranty against breakage :unsure:
I've talked numerous times here about Corelle being our preferred on-board (RV or boat) dinnerware. 30+ years of boating in rough seas and a similar time in RVs running down the road resulted in no damage to our Corelle dinnerware. Yesterday I broke the first piece! I headed across the patio with a dinner plate loosely tucked under my arm and, as I approached the gazebo, something happened in the storm that caused me to raise my arm, and the plate fell on concrete, smashing into numerous pieces. I wonder if they have a 30+ year warranty against breakage :unsure:
Pretty tough stuff but when it does break-- quite a sight. Don't ask me how I know... ;)
I know from personal experience as do others that Corelle is not "unbreakable", nor do they claim it is. But as I'm sure many of us can attest, it certainly is "break resistant", often surviving drops that we fully expected would shatter the plate or bowl involved.
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I know from personal experience as do others that Corelle is not "unbreakable", nor do they claim it is. But as I'm sure many of us can attest, it certainly is "break resistant", often surviving drops that we fully expected would shatter the plate or bowl involved.
Mine bounced off a countertop twice before it landed flat on the floor and went Everywhere.
When Corelle does finally break, it shatters into a billion tiny pieces. We had an incident where “someone” drove over a curb on a right hand turn, and the cabinet opened. Ok, the ”someone” was me! We broke a bowl and two plates. Tiny slivers got under the slide, and we were still finding them a year later!

I am now better at both driving and closing cabinets.
I was hoping Corelle would be rugged enough for RV use, at least with no kiddos. I like it much better than the plastic-based options, especially in the microwave. Yes, it does frag when it breaks, like Pyrex or Corningware. Very glad to hear you experienced folks use it.
We've used Corelle for years and have broken a few. The last time I broke a bowl I was putting it in the cupboard (at home) and it slipped out of my hand - I instinctively reached over with my other hand to catch it but also had a bowl in the other had. It was quite the shower of white shards when they collided! Of course, I was barefoot!
I know from personal experience as do others that Corelle is not "unbreakable", nor do they claim it is. But as I'm sure many of us can attest, it certainly is "break resistant", often surviving drops that we fully expected would shatter the plate or bowl involved.
Methinks some folks misunderstood my poor attempt at self-deprecating humor. For many years I've promoted Corelle here as virtually indestructible (my words), and I eventually break a piece - thanks to a dumb move on my part. Dropping the piece onto concrete, I might as well have hit it with a large hammer.

I'll continue to promote Corelle for RV & boat use, and we'll continue to buy and use their products. Maybe I'll use their term "durable" although, given the numerous times I've dropped their products with no ill effects, the term seems to inadequate.
I was hoping Corelle would be rugged enough for RV use, at least with no kiddos. I like it much better than the plastic-based options, especially in the microwave. Yes, it does frag when it breaks, like Pyrex or Corningware. Very glad to hear you experienced folks use it.
We've been using the set in our RV since 2005 with just one piece replaced. That piece was a bowl that I knocked off a picnic table and it hit a rock. They are impressive when they break, but fortunately that doesn't happen very often. We have an intact set of Corelle dishes in our Adirondack cottage that was a 10th anniversary present in 1974.
We don't use Corelle in our coach because it seems that it gets more likely to break when I gets old. Most of what we have is "marriage" age and so we are very alert about handling it. The fact that if forms many sharp fragments had already been mentioned.
We don't use Corelle in our coach because it seems that it gets more likely to break when I gets old. Most of what we have is "marriage" age and so we are very alert about handling it. The fact that if forms many sharp fragments had already been mentioned.
What do you use as an alternative? The only piece we've broken was from our then 15 year old set, while our 48 year old set is intact despite numerous drops over the years. The one piece that we broke had nothing to do with RV travel, just bad luck. Six inches away and it likely would have survived the fall.
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I think everyone loses a piece sooner or later. Lucky you were outside! We’ve been using Corelle for nearly 50 years and I figure 2 broken pieces is pretty good. We’ll keep using it in the S&B and in the RV.
I too am a Corelle fan. It's light, near-unbreakable, and available is a variety of stylish colors and patterns. I can only remember breaking one small plate in 20+ years of RVing. I recently bought a set for my new sticks & bricks house.
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