Greater Philadelphia RV Show

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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Any thoughts on this one? It's down the road from me. My wife and I plan to attend.

Greater Philadelphia RV Show
I think the difference between smaller, regional shows such as this is that the exhibitors are not manufacturers as in the larger shows (Tampa, Harrisburg, etc.), rather they are a group of local RV dealers. Seems to be around a dozen of so exhibitors and if you check out their sites (for those that list one) to see if there might be anything there you'd like to see.

I asked a question about a similar show in Houston, TX when were near there a few weeks back. We're mainly interested in motorhomes and as there weren't that many there, decided to skip it. Someone also pointed out that at these types of shows there's typically not the kinds of RV related merchandise they have a the big shows where there's aisle after aisle of RV related products for you to waste, uh, I mean spend your money on.

Let us know what you see if you decided to attend!
I was at a similar one last year in the same location. It was packed with attendees and there was plenty to look at.

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