Cybertruck trailer brake control screen capture.

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The Cybertruck isn't meant to compete with a $40k-$50k 1500 or lightly optioned 2500. It has some flavors and capabilities of such, but isn't one of those trucks. If you buy a high performance version of a gas pickup (TRX?) then you're spending Cybertruck money and then some for less performance.

Kind of like the Porsche 911 wasn't meant to compete with the VW Beetle...
I understand. I was simply comparing a base model truck that I bought that has everything on it that I need - and nothing that I don't, other than a bunch of nanny devices I could do without - to the base model cybertruck that doesn't have everything that I need, doesn't have the performance that I want, but does have a bunch of stuff I don't need, nor want, and therefor would not spend my money on it. It's just a personal preference sort of thing.
The Cybertruck isn't meant to compete with a $40k-$50k 1500 or lightly optioned 2500. It has some flavors and capabilities of such, but isn't one of those trucks. If you buy a high performance version of a gas pickup (TRX?) then you're spending Cybertruck money and then some for less performance.

Kind of like the Porsche 911 wasn't meant to compete with the VW Beetle...
Yah. The cybertruck is a very high performance 1/2 ton sport truck and price wise should be compared to same. Obviously not everyone wants a sport truck but those that do may find a good fit with the cybertruck.
Don't get me wrong, I think the Cybertruck is an interesting vehicle. I'm with some of the others, though, waiting for the vinyl-floored version with a split bench seat with optional low-rolling resistance all terrain tires that I can get muddy. About 40k would be a good price. The F150 Lightning is probably the closest comparison, but I'm not sure if the Work Truck version is available yet.
Just out of curiosity, what system do you have? It's rare to not have some sort of control for that, but the label on the function varies. We should probably take this to a private conversation since it is far off the Cybertruck subject. I'll start one up.
Answered privately. And for the curious I do have sensitivity control but not the "aggressiveness" control.

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