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Oct 23, 2012
The other day I was doing some renovating on my RV and wanted to run the heater. It was working wonderfully so after an hr or so i tried to start the genny. It would turn over just fine but would not fire, so I started the motorhomeup and the generator fired right up like 1 second later when i tried it. Is there some sort of safety that the ignition needs to be on first before the genny will fire. I turned the RV off and the generator fired up after that no problems.
It is possible the house battery was run down enough so that the gen would not start. It needs a good strong 12 volts to start. With my last RV if I ran the battery too much the gen would not start. I would start up the engine and then the gen would start right away.

If I don't start my generator for a month or so, (a gas Onan 7), it doesn't start right away either. When I stop cranking, wait a few seconds and try again, it fires right up and runs well. It's behaved that way since the day I got it and I've always attributed it to the fuel finding its way through the system (blowing the cobwebs out, so to speak).

If that's what yours is doing after sitting for a while, and it's running well now, it's probably fine.

Few Months.. Heck, mine is like that after a few hours.

The instructions say to hold the STOP button (Side of the switch) till the light comes on, Then press START.. Well, Done that, When the light comes on the fuel pump comes on (COnfirmed that by using the LOCAL button instead of the dash remote)  Hit START, same result. 

Next time tried holdign it till the light stayed on for a few seconds (like 30) same result

No matter what I do, Press start, let it turn over one time, wait 30 seconds, press start, and it starts almost immed.  Only exception is hot engine re-start.
John From Detroit said:
Few Months.. Heck, mine is like that after a few hours.

The instructions say to hold the STOP button (Side of the switch) till the light comes on, Then press START.. Well, Done that, When the light comes on the fuel pump comes on (COnfirmed that by using the LOCAL button instead of the dash remote)  Hit START, same result. 

Next time tried holdign it till the light stayed on for a few seconds (like 30) same result

No matter what I do, Press start, let it turn over one time, wait 30 seconds, press start, and it starts almost immed.  Only exception is hot engine re-start.

Same scenario on both Onans we've owned.
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