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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My choice would be to die. No need to stay alive just to suffer.

-Don- Reno, NV
I bet if you were in that situation you would reconsider. My wife was 36 when she got sick and there were many years of no symptoms and no side effects. And we packed a lot of living into those 22 yeas. The will to live is very strong and the spirit of survival is powerful. No need to just give up and die. But again, that's your choice.
I have had them as well but more so during the day but not what I would call chronic. They are not fun in the least. I have found that eating a banana on an almost daily basis and drinking plenty of water helps quite a bit. On really hot days I sometimes have gatorade and maybe add a little more salt to some of my food and I rarely get them anymore.
Nocturnal cramps are very different. Bananas (potassium)help with daytime cramps but do not affect (AFAIK) nocturnal cramps whereas magnesium is what helps.

When I get daytime cramps from hiking too far or whatever, there is usually a way to help get rid of them with pressure or whatever else works. With nocturnal cramps, nothing works other than the magnesium. If you have not experienced nocturnal leg cramps you will not have any idea what they are like. They make daytime cramps seem like nothing.

I think you must be asleep for nocturnal leg cramps--but you will be woken up by the pain.

-Don- Reno, NV
The will to live is very strong and the spirit of survival is powerful. No need to just give up and die. But again, that's your choice.
There was some drug that was making Tom live longer when he had liver cancer. He decided it was better to die than live with all the side effects. I would make the same choice.

I have already lived longer than many people.

Not a big deal. The world can get by without me.

"And when I die, and when I'm gone
There'll be, one child born in this world
To carry on, to carry on

-Don- Reno, NV
Can't find any NIH or other studies showing links between pancreatitis and eating McD, but I'm sure you're right and have the link all ready so don't keep us in suspense.
Don't need a link because a good friend of mine had personal experience with this. He eats a lot at McDonald's, and recently came down with pancreatitis. He said it was the only thing he regularly ate that his wife never did, and she was healthy, so his pancreatitis had to be due to eating so much at McDonald's. He would never lie to me, and he's a very smart person. After all, you are what you eat!

Research DOES show that a high fat diet can contribute to pancreatitis, so this must be true because a lot of the meals at McDonald's are full of fat.
I had prostate issues and I always wear white socks, therefore white socks cause prostate issues.
Interestingly, there is an animal parallel for that. I once had a dog that was walking past a particular side table in the living room and yipped and jumped. Apparently, she had been bitten by a flea or something, but she never walked closely past that table again! You can test this using a shock collar. If you give the animal a favorite treat and shock it at the same time, it will never want that treat again. (This is called operant conditioning. It also works to associate good things with scary stuff like lightening.)

Same dog was in front seat when I had a head-on collision, and she was not hurt, but she would never ride in the front seat again.

White socks are indeed dangerous.
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Not a big deal. The world can get by without me.
I know exactly how you feel.

The world can get by without any of the posters that have commented on this thread. hahhaa

But, well, you know how some people just can't admit it. hahah

Are you still feeling tired today? Hubby and I are thinking of you.
There was some drug that was making Tom live longer when he had liver cancer. He decided it was better to die than live with all the side effects. I would make the same choice.

I have already lived longer than many people.

Not a big deal. The world can get by without me.
Well then I guess it comes down to whether you are a fighter or not. Life is a precious thing and neither my wife nor I will go gently into the night.
Well then I guess it comes down to whether you are a fighter or not. Life is a precious thing and neither my wife nor I will go gently into the night.
I’m real close to 74 and my wife is 72. Both of us have vowed not to take any heroic measures to prolong our lives. Quality of life is important. If we were younger it would be different.
Are you still feeling tired today? Hubby and I are thinking of you.
I have no clue what yesterday was all about, but today, I have all my energy back. Even more so than the day before yesterday.

I still have some very mild symptoms, they all could be gone by tomorrow. OTOH, that was what I thought two days ago when I felt better than yesterday.

-Don- Reno, NV
I’m real close to 74 and my wife is 72. Both of us have vowed not to take any heroic measures to prolong our lives. Quality of life is important. If we were younger it would be different.
Since we all are talking 'bout "what if's" and "because's" and other ether things....

74 + 72 = 146... add those three numbers together 1+4+6= 11
Now 11 is a 'special' number

So when you turn 74, you and the missus just enjoy that special number time together and don't worry what "12" may bring. :oops:
I guess you must hate sleeping. :)

IMO, life is not precious if you're forcing yourself to stay alive to suffer.

-Don- Reno, NV
No, I like to sleep. But when you get life threateningly sick at 36 you will fight with all your might to stay alive and achieve things that you thought not possible. She (and we) went on to do some incredible things in the last 22 years of her life. Built a national business, climbed the highest peak in the Canary Islands, saw the world. My wife even wrote an Amazon Best Seller. Not sure if we would have done those things if we knew we lazily had all the time in the world.

Life is worth living even if there is pain and suffering involved. Rolling over and accepting death without a fight because you don't want to endure any pain sounds cowardly IMHO. Life gets mighty precious when there's left of it to waste.
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