Moronic campground rules

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So you got suckered into enlisting? C'mon. Really?
Nope. The above happened in 1969 when I was a senior in HS. Didn’t enlist in the AF until 1975. I was 24. A friend of my wife’s came to dinner with her boyfriend who was in the AF. He talked it up pretty good so I went to the recruiter and enlisted. Lasted 24 years. And I didn’t tell my wife I enlisted until after I did so.
My buddy at UPS Louisville and a bunch of his co-workers had to report early this a.m. for a time sensitive shipment of Pfizer jabs, so the clot shot junkies will get their fix real soon.
Could go set up your tent in line at Walgreens, but might not be necessary. They say less than 25% are jonesing for more immune destruction.
Only driving practice off the stern. :cool:
I was NCOIC of Admissions and Dispositions at Eglin AFB Regional Hospital back in the early 80’s. One of the duties of our office was administratively processing bodies of active duty, retirees and their dependents. There was a CG detachment in Ft Walton Beach. A big storm come through and that detachment was called to rescue some folks caught in open water during the storm. One of the CG members got washed overboard during the rescue and drowned. I was on duty when the above incident took place and processed the body of the young CG member that drowned. He was probably no older than 25.

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