Moronic campground rules

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
Upstate NY - Kuyahoora Valley
Staying at the Niagara Falls KOA in Ontario since last Sunday. Love this place - have been here 3 times over the years. This year they have a rule "For the enjoyment of all guests, we ask that you exit the property before using cannibas products". I have no issue with that but there are no rules against smoking anything else so my evening sitting out on a nice cool evening has been ruined by the couple that pulled in this afternoon upwind of us smoking cigars (him) and cigarettes (her). I'd much rather smell the sweetness of pot than nasty cigars and cigarettes! I'm now sitting inside with the windows closed. KOA will hear my opinion on this before we leave on Sunday.
When we smell cigar smoke it makes us gag, have been in rv parks where that seemed to be norm, lots of smokers. Worst than campfire smoke.
When I played golf and someone was going to smoke a cigar I ask them to stand down wind or I would wait and play with other people. BTW, cigarettes ain't much better. Cannibus I thought was not legal outside. Anyway, I agree with you.
It’s tough when everybody is packed into sites right close to each other. You want people to enjoy themselves, but we all have limits of what we’ll tolerate…

That rule sounds dumb. But it goes without saying that if your vice is going to stink up all the sites around you, maybe take a walk and enjoy it somewhere else.
Well, when we are guests (even paying guests) of another and on that person’s property, our individual rights are curtailed.
We have to abide by the owners rules and if not, we have the option to camp somewhere else.
Smoke of any kind doesn’t normally bother me, but a lot of cigarette smoke sometimes will.
One KOA that I camped at a few years ago wouldn’t let my fiancé drive her car to my campsite. I thought it was ridiculous and have not returned to that KOA.

I normally will make a statement with my wallet if I am unhappy with a business.
Their park, their rules.
The apparent intent of the ruling is to prevent another camper from exposure to the offensive odor of burning marijuana, it's rather stupid to meantime be perfectly okay exposing campers to the equally offensive and imo even more offensive smell of burning cigarettes and cigars, not to mention the exhaust billowing from the mouths of smokers.
There's nothing like walking through a gauntlet of disgusting cigarette smoker exhaust to get into a restaurant.
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The “walking through a gauntlet of disgusting cigarette smoker exhaust” is why we don’t eat at casino restaurants. I can handle cigarette smoke outside (as long as the smoker isn’t right next to me), but cannabis smells like a skunk to me! Edibles all the way folks.
Their campground, their rules.

As it was said, you can protest with your wallet and go somewhere else.
If pot is illegal there, or illegal to possess around minors, then that would be the reason they don't want it on the property.
It's not illegal. And it's prohibited for minors to use, but not to have or use around them.

As said by @garyb1st , the main thing for them is to keep them family oriented. I've been to quite a few KOAs in Ontario and they don't have such strict ruling. Most cannabis users are very aware that their preference may be frowned upon by some fellow campers, and just limit their consumption quite wisely.

When it was first legalized in Canada (in late 2018), the 2019 summer camping season was a rush and most campgrounds here were quite "aromatic". Nowadays, it's more common to get bothered by tobacco smoke or loud dogs or music, than pot smell.
Back in the 80's we got a new VP in our office. He always had a partially smokef cigar in his mouth but nobody ever saw him light it. After some time a coworker asked him about the cigar that he never lit. He responded that he only lit it when meetings were getting too long
Since you have stayed there before, it might help to bring it up to the management but probably not the person at the desk.
avoid campgrounds whenever possible and the low quality people who often frequent them.
Since we who stay in RV parks and are mostly "low quality" it may not do much good. :sneaky:
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Note that there are non-addictive "cannabis products" that are legal just about everywhere. Vaping it is one form and I suspect what that rule is targeted at.

I'm a bit surprised at the number of responses saying they are smelling so much smoke around them. I've experienced that only rarely anywhere in many years and especially not in open areas like campgrounds. I do, though, see a noticeable number of complaints about campfire smoke and wonder if the day may come when some campgrounds offer "No smoke" areas or maybe even entire campgrounds without smoke.
If you have vents or windows open, the smoke still wafts through the campground.
Reminds me of the local fair where the smoking area is a little chain-link fence enclosure, like a dog run.
And all the non-smokers walk by happy with the arrangement!

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