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Like most, Mayo gets it's funding from government and industry (big pharma).
Same as the military industrial complex- Grease the politicians palms, buy the propaganda machine, run the "authority" agencies, and your products will make huge profits.
Lockheed sells weapons the same way Johnson & Johnson sells drugs. And just like the defense industry, or the entertainment/media industry, the players jump back and forth from industry to government.
You're not having an intelligent conversation unless you have a degree in immunology or epidemiology. Meantime you're in an internet quarrel occurring among folks, including you and me, who don't otherwise know jack ____ about either.
I don't need a degree in immunology to know what is going on when we see when the powers that be are lying and reversing their position on things, when they are not practicing what they are preaching, and when they say things like protestors don't have to wear masks, but the general public does while walking their dog in a park with no one else nearby.
I don't need a degree in immunology to know what is going on when we see when the powers that be are lying and reversing their position on things, when they are not practicing what they are preaching, and when they say things like protestors don't have to wear masks, but the general public does while walking their dog in a park with no one else nearby.
That reminds me, the new vaccine is now available and it's free to anyone over 65. I'm going to get the covid and the flu at the same sitting.
Like most, Mayo gets it's funding from government and industry (big pharma).
Same as the military industrial complex- Grease the politicians palms, buy the propaganda machine, run the "authority" agencies, and your products will make huge profits.
Lockheed sells weapons the same way Johnson & Johnson sells drugs. And just like the defense industry, or the entertainment/media industry, the players jump back and forth from industry to government.
So where do you receive your medical care?
free to anyone over 65
In the grocery industry this is called a "loss leader".
So where do you receive your medical care?
Lately, I don't. Have nothing to complain about. The commercials keep telling me to ask my doctor about their drug though.
I had a couple pretty good old school docs who got me on the right track. They're both retired now and the young guy got a bad look on his face when I told him who I used to see.
Between that and the whole covid thing, and wanting me to quit eating salt and work on lowering my cholesterol, I gave up on doctors until things get straightened out.
I like my odds better just keeping my distance (from doctors, not people) and staying healthy.
In the grocery industry this is called a "loss leader".

Lately, I don't. Have nothing to complain about. The commercials keep telling me to ask my doctor about their drug though.
I had a couple pretty good old school docs who got me on the right track. They're both retired now and the young guy got a bad look on his face when I told him who I used to see.
Between that and the whole covid thing, and wanting me to quit eating salt and work on lowering my cholesterol, I gave up on doctors until things get straightened out.
I like my odds better just keeping my distance (from doctors, not people) and staying healthy.
In America it’s called Medicare.
Like most, Mayo gets it's funding from government and industry (big pharma).
Same as the military industrial complex- Grease the politicians palms, buy the propaganda machine, run the "authority" agencies, and your products will make huge profits.
Lockheed sells weapons the same way Johnson & Johnson sells drugs. And just like the defense industry, or the entertainment/media industry, the players jump back and forth from industry to government.
Mayo Clinic also depends upon private donations. DW was seen there and every quarter she gets a letter requesting a donation.
Give me a second here, I'm mulling over whether to take the medical advice of an RV forum member who gets his information from obscure and weirdo social media or an Immunolgist who was head of the Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases. Not exactly sure how long this should take, but I'm thinking, not long.
[tick]...[tick]...[tick]... :unsure: :rolleyes:
That reminds me, the new vaccine is now available and it's free to anyone over 65. I'm going to get the covid and the flu at the same sitting.
2 years ago we got both at the same time, both of us were under the weather for a week afterwards. Lesson learned, now it's 1, then next week the other. Wonder if being 80 was connected??
2 years ago we got both at the same time, both of us were under the weather for a week afterwards. Lesson learned, now it's 1, then next week the other. Wonder if being 80 was connected??
The vaccines work by introducing into your system the essence of the virus most recent mutation and relying on your immune system to do the rest. Everyone is different so in rare cases some have more severe bouts of building "immunity". However even then most don't build total immunity to the virus, but an immunity to the severe complications of the virus. People don't stop getting covid and the flu after the vaccine, they largely however stop dieing.
The vaccines work by introducing into your system the essence of the virus most recent mutation and relying on your immune system to do the rest. Everyone is different so in rare cases some have more severe bouts of building "immunity". However even then most don't build total immunity to the virus, but an immunity to the severe complications of the virus. People don't stop getting covid and the flu after the vaccine, they largely however stop dieing.
So people that have a slight to no chance of dying from Covid should not get the vaccine?
I’ve heard several folks say “I got vaccinated and still got COVID so I know it doesn’t t work.” Ignorance is rampant.
If you have had the measles, polio, or TB vaccine does it make it so you don't contract them or does it help with your symptoms when you do get it?
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