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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Here's a novel idea, take a poll and see who cares whether or not you get the covid vaccine. Let me be the first to go into the "don't care" column.
I could care less that you don't care about me. Unlike some I don't think everything is about them and their feelings. What about all the children it was pushed upon? What about our country losing members of our armed services over a mandate? Do you not care about them either?

FWIW I have asked some very simple questions that you don't have a legit answer to so you choose to throw barbs at me instead.
I could care less that you don't care about me. Unlike some I don't think everything is about them and their feelings. What about all the children it was pushed upon? What about our country losing members of our armed services over a mandate? Do you not care about them either?

FWIW I have asked some very simple questions that you don't have a legit answer to so you choose to throw barbs at me instead.
I care who gets Covid because it might be the person sneezing on me at the market. Children have myriad vaccines pushed on them in order to go to public schools. It’s not only to protect them it’s to protect the thousands of other students, teachers and administration staff those unvaccinated kids would come in contact with.
I spent 24 years in the military. I cannot list all the things that the military mandated I do. You can kicked out if you as a male refuse to not wear an earring on duty; if you refuse to get a haircut; if you refuse to wear your uniform properly; if you refuse to salute; if you refuse to get an annual flu shot. This is a list of vaccines required of service members:
Hep A
Hep B
Measles, mumps, rubella
Other vaccines administered depending on risk:
Haemophilus flu type B
Japanese encephalitis
Yellow fever
The mandate for military to be vaccinated against Covid was rescinded in 2023 due to the constant whining from Republican lawmakers.
I did not ask for the difference. I asked a very simple question that requires a simple answer.
And I gave you a simple answer but I guess you didn’t take the 2-3 minutes it takes to read the article. Okay, here goes. Covid and flu are very different types of viruses than polio, TB and measles. Influenza and Covid mutate into different strains. The flu or Covid from last year might or will be a different strain than those of this year. Hence the reason flu shots are annual. And so are Covid. If somebody more read in on this situation out there can unmuddy what I said please do.
I could care less that you don't care about me. Unlike some I don't think everything is about them and their feelings. What about all the children it was pushed upon? What about our country losing members of our armed services over a mandate? Do you not care about them either?

FWIW I have asked some very simple questions that you don't have a legit answer to so you choose to throw barbs at me instead.
Not caring whether or not you get the vaccine isn't a barb, it's not caring whether or not you get the vaccine.
And I gave you a simple answer but I guess you didn’t take the 2-3 minutes it takes to read the article. Okay, here goes. Covid and flu are very different types of viruses than polio, TB and measles. Influenza and Covid mutate into different strains. The flu or Covid from last year might or will be a different strain than those of this year. Hence the reason flu shots are annual. And so are Covid. If somebody more read in on this situation out there can unmuddy what I said please do.
LOL I did actually take the time to read it. It really made the covid vaccine out to be better than what it is but that is OK. The covid vaccine does very little if anything to help with getting or spreading it to anybody else but only can help lessen the symptoms. Please tell me if I am wrong on that.

The polio and other vaccines provide you with protection from contracting the disease or virus at all. please tell me if I am wrong on that.
It is also a way to avoid answering a simple question.
This isn't a courtroom. The fact remains, no one is mandating you get the vaccine so resist obsessing over other folk's business and tend to your own. If you want to insert a horse suppository in your rectum and you think that will protect you from covid, go for it, not my business.
This isn't a courtroom. The fact remains, no one is mandating you get the vaccine so resist obsessing over other folk's business and tend to your own. If you want to insert a horse suppository in your rectum and you think that will protect you from covid, go for it, not my business.
Did you miss the part where I don't think about just myself. I had family members and loved ones that were mandated to take it. Can I care about them or is that not allowed?
Did you miss the part where I don't think about just myself. I had family members and loved ones that were mandated to take it. Can I care about them or is that not allowed?
Are they mandated now, if not then off you go.
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So what does that have to do with your obsessing over whether people today voluntarily opt to get the vaccine? If you, your family members, or loved ones don't want it, then they can not get it and if you want to take a spoonful of horse deworming paste go for it, most no one, including me, otherwise cares. Try minding your own business.
You are the one obsessing. Bringing up horse dewormer really shows where your mind is at and you are obsessive over it.
Now you're really going to create confusion, covid and polio aren't the same and so the vaccines aren't the same. We in America don't vaccinate for TB, btw.
I think I addressed this with Babe and the article does too. And yess, TB is not a vaccination. I only included it because he did.
I care who gets Covid because it might be the person sneezing on me at the market. Children have myriad vaccines pushed on them in order to go to public schools. It’s not only to protect them it’s to protect the thousands of other students, teachers and administration staff those unvaccinated kids would come in contact with.
I spent 24 years in the military. I cannot list all the things that the military mandated I do. You can kicked out if you as a male refuse to not wear an earring on duty; if you refuse to get a haircut; if you refuse to wear your uniform properly; if you refuse to salute; if you refuse to get an annual flu shot. This is a list of vaccines required of service members:
Hep A
Hep B
Measles, mumps, rubella
Other vaccines administered depending on risk:
Haemophilus flu type B
Japanese encephalitis
Yellow fever
The mandate for military to be vaccinated against Covid was rescinded in 2023 due to the constant whining from Republican lawmakers.
Interesting that you should bring this up. Other than in Basic Training, I don't recall ever getting another shot in 25+ years in the military. When the anthrax thing came up in the late 90's I had a corpsman come to me one day and say, "Hey Chief, you're scheduled for your vax at 1500." I told him I would pass on it, and he said his Chief wouldn't be happy about that. I said to have his Chief come talk to me if it was that important. I never heard another word about it. A couple years later there was some kind of class action suit that was adjudicated and the anthrax vax was rescinded.

I also never got a flu shot in my life until 2 years ago and I'm really not considering getting another one. The hepatitis ones I got for my job, along with tetanus when I hacked my leg open with a chainsaw.
Interesting that you should bring this up. Other than in Basic Training, I don't recall ever getting another shot in 25+ years in the military. When the anthrax thing came up in the late 90's I had a corpsman come to me one day and say, "Hey Chief, you're scheduled for your vax at 1500." I told him I would pass on it, and he said his Chief wouldn't be happy about that. I said to have his Chief come talk to me if it was that important. I never heard another word about it. A couple years later there was some kind of class action suit that was adjudicated and the anthrax vax was rescinded.

I also never got a flu shot in my life until 2 years ago and I'm really not considering getting another one. The hepatitis ones I got for my job, along with tetanus when I hacked my leg open with a chainsaw.
I guess the AF was more diligent or the rules are much different for the CG. We had mock deployments quite often and your bag and records were checked. If your immunization record was not up to date there was hell to pay. We had mandatory formations every year for flu shots. We had mandatory appointments for other reoccurring immunizations and if you missed one it was considered a failure to go; punishable under the UCMJ.

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