Revisiting Full Classic Rock Albums from the 60s and 70s

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Eh, well, I like Roger Daltry and all, and I really do admire that he's still going, but well, he just didn't age quite as well as Ann. I heard some of his recent stuff, and it sounds like he's really starting to struggle to keep those pipes singing. I wish him well, I really do, but he is getting hard to listen to in his twilight years.
There's some good music in this thread, lol... moi, I had seven older brothers and they were all into rock & roll, so I was raised on The Mighty Zep, Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, ELP, Deep Purple, and a host of other bands from the '60s and '70s. First rock concert I ever attended was Van Halen, right when their first album skyrocketed... acoustics were notoriously bad in the San Diego Sports Arena, but the show was still entertaining. 'Diamond Dave' was quite the showman, and he was pretty funny in concert.

Going back to my older brothers, they had all that good stereo equipment sold back in the day, when vinyl was king and the sound was fantastic. So I was a pretty lucky kid, to hear all that good music on such equipment, lol. And me dear departed mum once played violin for Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra, so we also listened to classical music, Big Band Era music, all kinds of stuff... later in life, I learned to appreciate reggae, country music, punk rock and other material, but I was raised on old school rock & roll, lol.

Could've been worse... could've been raised on Barry Manilow, lol. To this day, I have fond memories of The Mighty Zep cranked on stereo as my friends & I rode vertical skateboard ramps, huge ramps built on my concrete driveway during our "high school daze." Those were some good times... mid-to-late '70s, so I'm dating myself here, lol. Funny thing, when I lived in Show Low, I bought a fat pool-riding board and attempted to relive my youth... scored a few frontside grinders at the local skatepark, but I also picked up a 'hipper' that lasted a week, and a shoulder slam that lasted a month.

Wound up donating the board to some wide-eyed kid before I broke my goldurned neck, lol. Enough reliving my youth, lol, that sort of thing can be dangerous. But it was cool to score those grinders at age double-nickel, I'm pretty sure I was the oldest guy to ever skate that park, lol. Ah, well, it was fun, and I got to ride my tricked-out bike at the park too... that's something else we used to do back in the day, ride our bikes in parks and pools. We were big on BMX, but we also rode tricked-out cruisers in the parks... that was so much fun. If I tried it now, I'd probably wind up in the ER, maybe the morgue, lol.

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Tom, not only House of the Rising Sun, there was also Smoke on the Water and, of course, Stairway.

I learned both of those songs while they were both new. One night i was sitting in my favorite bar listening to my favorite local band when they announced that Ritchie Blackmore was in the audience and would he like to jam. He did and I was blown away. I remember spending countless hours learning STH. I could play it note perfect. Then one day in the 80s I watched Page playing STH on MTV and he was horrible. I thought this is weird, I can play it better than he can. He must have been really screwed up on some drugs and or alcohol.
My brother was 8 years older than me, so I was rocking to songs like this as a little tike.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I learned both of those songs while they were both new. One night i was sitting in my favorite bar listening to my favorite local band when they announced that Ritchie Blackmore was in the audience and would he like to jam. He did and I was blown away. I remember spending countless hours learning STH. I could play it note perfect. Then one day in the 80s I watched Page playing STH on MTV and he was horrible. I thought this is weird, I can play it better than he can. He must have been really screwed up on some drugs and or alcohol.
I never did learn to play guitar, but back in the day, my friend learned to play Alice's Restaurant, and I had memorized all the words. We used to sit around the park with a bunch of other kids doing that.

A couple of other friends and I had a light show company and we used to do light shows for a local teen hangout as well as our high school dances and a couple of other schools in the same district.
I'm on a Facebook group "Things I remember growing up in Los Gatos" and someone actually mentioned our light shows. Blew me away that anyone besides us actually remembered them.
OMG - I remember seeing that clip in 1965 with my two band mates. We wanted to learn how to play it so we kept saying the cords as it was played. Ended up reciting the cords over and over again on the way home. Am-C-D=F-etc.
House of the Rising Sun.....Timeless Song. I could listen to that 100x.
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The ELO post above reminded me of a "re-discovery" from a couple of years back...or so. I was on my way home from work (remember when we used to do that??), and I heard a song on whatever radio I was listening to (either Deep Tracks on Sirius/XM, or one of my streaming radio stations), and heard a song that sounded familiar, but it just wouldn't come to the front of my brain. I finally looked, and it was ELO, but a song I had not heard in a very long time. It came from this album. You have to listen to this from beginning to end, in order. It really shows the incredible talent of Jeff Lynne. Enjoy.
That hand who posted that Marty Robbins clip, Marty was the MAN outta Arizona, lol... I love his tunes, 'Strawberry Roan' will always be a favorite, but ANY Marty Robbins tune is good to go in my book. The guy's voice was golden, just like Johnny Cash and other kick@$$ performing artists...

Here's a little something I enjoyed in my 'Aaaaarrrrgghhmy daze'---I used to CRANK tunes like this when I was in garrison for the weekend. One time, our Platoon Sergeant dropped by while we were all partying like MFers, and he complimented us on the music, despite the earth-shaking volume, lol.

Meh, there are more 'technical' groups out there, but AC/DC always struck a chord with me... I used to blast 'HIGHWAY TO HELL' and 'YOU SHOOK ME' while riding my rice rocket at a "hundred-and-a-half" on S-2 in Anza Borrego, along with a few other back roads in Dago & Imperial Counties.

Youse REAL riders out there in cyberspace will appreciate that memory, just HAULIN' F#%NG @$$ on a rice rocket with the throttle twisted to the max, lol. Slowin' down to about 90 to take the broad curves, a little more for the twisties, lol... comin' outta those twisties, you could hammer on it like the Hammers of Hell.

Damn, those were some good times, but ya had to watch that pesky drift sand... that windblown sh!t was downright dangerous in the hairpin curves. I had my bike get squirrelly a time or two, but thankfully I never laid 'er down. Boy, I sure liked hauling @$$ on that bike, it was like pure freedom!!! I miss those days, lol...

Friend o' mine hit some drift sand and went down at 90 m.p.h., but he was a damned good rider from a family of bad@$$ racers, so he walked away from it with minimal damage. Showed me his synthetic jacket where the high-speed burn had melted the cuff or forearm, lol, but he was fine. Crazy b@stard, Gary C.

Anyway, let me get back to posting this AC/DC video, it's really just an audio recording but it still works for me! There was a dude from NorCal in my USA INF unit, and he used to love AC/DC... I still remember riding as a passenger (no helmet) on a liquor store run, going 140 while tucked behind the damned fool, lol.

Night Prowler

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Ed, ELO generated some Great stuff. They were more than a one Hit Wonder from my memories. Giving your share a click this AM. This album I bet parallels Rush when they were deep into synthesizers, my guess?

Loose nut. You are out of my league when it comes to crazy. I am a Retired former crazy. I bought a new Yamaha 600 when I first went to the Army. I thought when I enlisted I would spend my whole 6 months of AIT training in the USA hanging out on post, and then depart for my first duty overseas. Hanging out for 6 months in the barracks, that thought did not last long. Like being in a concentration camp as I remember, LOL.

That Yamaha 600 brought alot of fun with a few close calls (Other drivers not seeing me). Got rid of the thing a few year later. I am trying to deal with the busted up stuff I already am carrying around on this body. I don't need any new injuries to deal with at this point.

Let's Go Camping!


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