Revisiting Full Classic Rock Albums from the 60s and 70s

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Tom, LOL I am going to have to ask, did the school have padded walls?

Only Playing, Brother!

I am going to have to log in to view that clip.

Where are you at this fine Saturday AM? Deep in the woods?

East Fork in Cincinnati. I thought it was funny they said it was adult content. In high school, we watched that movie in behavior science. Sycamore offered lots of subjects from physics to electronics. I had all my credits after my third year to graduate but my dad encouraged me to take fun courses my senior year. Electronics was one of the courses which turned out to be my career.
That Yamaha 600 brought alot of fun with a few close calls (Other drivers not seeing me).

That's the main reason I sold my rice rocket back in Dago... traffic there got so crazy that it was downright dangerous. Those vehicles making sudden left turns across your path---no signals whatsoever---made for nasty surprises. Freeway drivers not even seeing you... getting out to the mountains & desert was the most dangerous part of each trip, it took the fun out of it, just trying to survive the bad city drivers. I started leaning more toward dirt biking at that time, it was actually SAFER, lol.

And I copy that part about the injuries, I just got over a bad foot injury and it took FOREVER to heal... another 'benefit' of growing old. Don't even know how I sustained this latest injury, it just blew up on me with no apparent cause... maybe some sort of hairline fracture. I think my bones are becoming more brittle with age; when I was young, I'd heal overnight, now it's a different story. Meh, ya get older and things fall apart, that's just the way it is... nice cheerful thought for this beautiful morning, lol.

What were you doing Electronics wise? In Flight Missile Repair NASA? Trying to keep things light this AM. Wink. Just a lame attempt at humor.

I did Radio / CCI Repair for the Army, it later got to be almost Swapping the bad gear, Direct Exchange for broken, Unserviceble end items at the property book level as Commercial Off the shelf, Gig Encryptors from GD became very popular on DoD networks.

Later years it evolved into doing many software upgrades etc, system troubleshooting as the Repair side got wiped out during my 20 years as a Green Suiter. Better faster gear than the old dinosaur Army Data Plated Gear produced by General Dynamics, ViaSat, etc. Lots of electronic strapping options to configure. Fat fingering was the causing of the problems 65% of the time......Operator / Facebooker's Error.


What were you doing Electronics wise? In Flight Missile Repair NASA? Trying to keep things light this AM. Wink. Just a lame attempt at humor.

I did Radio / CCI Repair for the Army, it later got to be almost Swapping the bad gear, Direct Exchange for broken, Unserviceble end items at the property book level as Commercial Off the shelf, Gig Encryptors from GD became very popular on DoD networks.

Later years it evolved into doing many software upgrades etc, system troubleshooting as the Repair side got wiped out during my 20 years as a Green Suiter. Better faster gear than the old dinosaur Army Data Plated Gear produced by General Dynamics, ViaSat, etc. Lots of electronic strapping options to configure. Fat fingering was the causing of the problems 65% of the time......Operator / Facebooker's Error.

I did bench work before going into the field. I got in trouble for fixing stuff at component level which ironically got me promoted to instructor.
Blackbird and Alice's Restaurant have a bizarre connection. Both songs start out with the exact same three chord into, except Paul puts in a G in between each of the three chords. But what is weird is that both songs are in different keys.

I have a massive collection of 5.1 surround albums and recently I added a double album of Chase and
Chase Pure Music on one CD. I had never heard anything besides their big hit 'Get Ir On". I was not prepared for how much I dig these two old albums. Especially the organ player who is wailing away on his Hammond B3 strained through a Leslie.

Then I discovered that Bill Chase died in an airplane wreck in the mid 70s. Weird I never heard anything about it until now. No wonder the hits stopped coming, Bill was basically the whole band.
My second most played album of all time(behind Dark Side of the Moon):

This is a great album. I discovered it when I was 19, and had a girlfriend who was 29. She was full hippie while I was just out of high school and allowed my hippie to bloom. She got me as much into what we now call Classic Rock as anyone, and this album was one that probably started it all for me. Really good album.
Last night we spent our first overnight in the trailer (in the driveway). We watched the Eric Clapton Crossroads Guitar Festival DVD. Really helped lower my shoulders.
I did bench work before going into the field. I got in trouble for fixing stuff at component level which ironically got me promoted to instructor.
I trained the FBI and CIA in security. Did encryption work in Fort Hood's IT and trained in DC.
Tom, Not sure how long you been out of the encryption game? Things really changed in encryption around 2016 with roll out the new system. Without going into detail too much, DHS, Border patrol, partner nations, all use the newer system. Inhouse key generation for internal networks was the norm for all but FFK, back in 2019 when I burned out on it.

When ordering the FFK it was all fully automated. As soon as the FFK order was placed, the key would be in the inbox to unwrap and download for the customer. Black key, benign, wrapped by special encrypted wrappers, delivered thru the network to specific IPs to rekey the encryptors is where they are heading.

By the looks of the East Coast Pipeline fiasco shutting down the flow, these companies need to get with the cyber Security Program quick! All this aged, legacy infrastructure needs to be brought into modern times.

Not Really Rock, but I like the Cars.

Yeah, The Cars are one of those groups that were between rock and punk (or new wave). I liked The Cars "back then" because they had some pretty heavy bass licks. And they just had a great beat. I still like turning up the volume a little (well, more than a little) when Candy-O is playing.
Tom, Not sure how long you been out of the encryption game? Things really changed in encryption around 2016 with roll out the new system. Without going into detail too much, DHS, Border patrol, partner nations, all use the newer system. Inhouse key generation for internal networks was the norm for all but FFK, back in 2019 when I burned out on it.

When ordering the FFK it was all fully automated. As soon as the FFK order was placed, the key would be in the inbox to unwrap and download for the customer. Black key, benign, wrapped by special encrypted wrappers, delivered thru the network to specific IPs to rekey the encryptors is where they are heading.

By the looks of the East Coast Pipeline fiasco shutting down the flow, these companies need to get with the cyber Security Program quick! All this aged, legacy infrastructure needs to be brought into modern times.

Not Really Rock, but I like the Cars.

Encryption changies a lot
Yeah, The Cars are one of those groups that were between rock and punk (or new wave). I liked The Cars "back then" because they had some pretty heavy bass licks. And they just had a great beat. I still like turning up the volume a little (well, more than a little) when Candy-O is playing.
I read not long ago about Ric Ocasek passing away fall 2019. Benjamin Orr passed away along time ago. He was fronting the band on (Drive, etc.) some of their Biggest hits early on.

I have no idea if there are any future intentions to perform before a live audience, but I would not pay to see the act. Reminds me of Journey. New Dude can mimic Steve Perry's vocals, but I am not paying crazy prices for "Cover Bands".

Maybe for back in the day $12 ticket pricing..

1980 Texas Jam, Packed Cotton Bowl, Dallas Texas. I am guessing 80,000 in attendance? I was 15 yards from the stage. Been standing there baking for along time, this is somewhere close to dusk. Jam 3, I had Tiny Blisters on my face the next day it was so hot out there. Total upper body peel at the 3 week after mark, LOL. Once you were down there too much of a ordeal to move.

After eternity waiting (1-2 hrs Plus between Performers was the norm) We the entire Cotton Bowl attendees notice a Helicopter at the back of the Cotton bowl hovering probably abut 100 ft above the nose bleeds chopping at the air. It slowly moved towards the stage, and again ALL eyes fixated on this thing.

Not sure about actual altitude of the aircraft as I could only measure mine, which was somewhat above the aircraft. :D All eyes in the entire Cotton Bowl Glued on this thinking are the Eagles going to repel or what...LOL. Eventually, it turns and Bee lines out of sight.........As I finally turned back to the stage, there were the Eagles sitting on Bar Stools. If you wanted a performance that stood strickly on the music then the Eagles fit the bill to a "T". I love the Motley Crue Performances and the ZZ Tops Afterburner Tours packed with a $$$$tage show.

Google is the Brain Washer. A major player in Mind Control group of Tech Giants. They offer alot of great tools if you are willing to give them the keys to your life digitally. Google has a empty suit at the Gov table that can't be voted out. Gov by Corporation.

I don't use Google Search engine for the opinionated search results, Duck Duck Go.

The internet creates Tribes, and most seem pissed about something. Fat and Pissed off people that only sit around talking about things they are going to do, that never get done.

I try to keep my IP linked to a Juke Box, or RV Forum, Weather Station, in that order.

1980 Texas Jam, Packed Cotton Bowl, Dallas Texas. I am guessing 80,000 in attendance? I was 15 yards from the stage. Been standing there baking for along time, this is somewhere close to dusk. Jam 3, I had Tiny Blisters on my face the next day it was so hot out there. Total upper body peel at the 3 week after mark, LOL. Once you were down there too much of a ordeal to move.

After eternity waiting (1-2 hrs Plus between Performers was the norm) We the entire Cotton Bowl attendees notice a Helicopter at the back of the Cotton bowl hovering probably abut 100 ft above the nose bleeds chopping at the air. It slowly moved towards the stage, and again ALL eyes fixated on this thing.

Not sure about actual altitude of the aircraft as I could only measure mine, which was somewhat above the aircraft. :D All eyes in the entire Cotton Bowl Glued on this thinking are the Eagles going to repel or what...LOL. Eventually, it turns and Bee lines out of sight.........As I finally turned back to the stage, there were the Eagles sitting on Bar Stools. If you wanted a performance that stood strickly on the music then the Eagles fit the bill to a "T". I love the Motley Crue Performances and the ZZ Tops Afterburner Tours packed with a $$$$tage show.

Great vedio.

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