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Those are the kind of CGs I try to avoid at all costs. Not only the snob factor, but they generally charge much higher rates and act like we should thank them for allowing us to park in their campground.
Gramma was telling me she was looking at the KOA out by Glacier where a site is 149 a night, plus 50 tax. If that's a KOA; these fancy spots above I wouldn't stop at even if I had a fancy outfit. Woof.
As I've posted before I do not use KOA's. One for the reasons like $$$$ posted above, and another for their industry-leading effort to ban overnight parking at Wal-Marts, Cracker Barrels and other stops.
As I've posted before I do not use KOA's. One for the reasons like $$$$ posted above, and another for their industry-leading effort to ban overnight parking at Wal-Marts, Cracker Barrels and other stops.
Well lots of new people here, never worry about repeating yourself.
As I learned from a guy that would coffee daily with the same group when I asked how they could tell the same story daily and laugh about it; "At my age, you meet new friends every day, and tell new stories every day". Heard that when I was 30, about 50 it finally dawned on me. Carl hope you're up in heaven rolling on the ground.
Dicor is nice stuff to work with. Manufacturer said to apply right over the old stuff. Clean well, squeeze some on, work it to about 1/4" thick, levels nicely and looks great. Had enough to do plumbing vents, and a full tube left if I want to do the roof vents. They still look good though. Says it can last between 3-10 years with 3-5 normal.
A great side benefit to Dicor is that you don't have to use the whole tube at once. I appreciate being able to use it as needed, take the tube out of the caulk gun, and maybe months later need to touch up a few spots the stuff in the used tube is still flexible and flows from the caulk gun like a fresh tube. No waste like most caulk gun-applied products.
Good to know it doesn't set up in the tube. Had I known that before I did it; would have many more to do in the future.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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