RV Fails

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2022
Pensacola, FL
Has everyone seen this Facebook page?
Some of the stuff is hysterical, some scary, some of them are learning opportunities…

Please, no “I don’t do FB because…” replies. No one cares.

It's like watching a really bad train wreck. You don't want to look (and laugh) but you can't help it. Unfortunately, many of us have found ourselves in an "RV Fails" situation over the years. This is a haunting reminder of when we did. :-(
Biggest fail (so far) was 1st trip with the new TT where I found the spot, got it level side-to-side, unhooked, got it level front-to-back only then to realize that the power pole was blocking the slide. Good times!
Biggest fail (so far) was 1st trip with the new TT where I found the spot, got it level side-to-side, unhooked, got it level front-to-back only then to realize that the power pole was blocking the slide. Good times!
We had one where we were level and then put the slides out. Sadly, the rig had descended from ride height and was now lower than the adjacent pole holding the power box. As the slide went out, it hit the VERY sturdy post, pushed against it and proceeded to ride up the newly-formed incline until the mounting holes on the Power Gear slide motor broke...

Well, we learned a lot about re-aligning Power Gear slides after motor replacement and only had a minor corner bend on the body of the slide.

Darn it.
My laters: Went to a place with water and power but no sewer. Hooked the water up to the black tank flush, turned it on and walked away.
Or you're getting ready to leave so you turn on the water to fill your onboard water tank. Your friend next door comes over and asks you a question about something on his RV. You follow him over to look at it.

You can guess the rest. 10 minutes later someone else came running over to tell me I had water pouring out of the bottom of the RV. I was very, very lucky. The water was coming out of the tank vent but when I looked at the tank it was only a matter of minutes before the tank would have split open. Water ran out of the vent for about 15 minutes after I shut the water off. :oops:
Or you're getting ready to leave so you turn on the water to fill your onboard water tank. Your friend next door comes over and asks you a question about something on his RV. You follow him over to look at it.

You can guess the rest. 10 minutes later someone else came running over to tell me I had water pouring out of the bottom of the RV. I was very, very lucky. The water was coming out of the tank vent but when I looked at the tank it was only a matter of minutes before the tank would have split open. Water ran out of the vent for about 15 minutes after I shut the water off. :oops:
Both my 1972 Winnebago and my 1976 Ideal TT had vents/overflows big enough that they could keep that from happening, but only if I had the water on no more than about halfway and filled at a rate no more than they could discharge. I think the vents were 1/2".
Yes, it was only about half full.
Interesting. I also did that, but it did not overflow the toilet. Instead sewage came up the vent pipe and dripped down the side of my rig. Son was with me, so he climbed up and hosed off the top of my rv, and then I hosed off the side. Now he is a pain because even though he does not travel with me, he constantly reminds me to open the black tank drain when i use the external flush mechanism. Grrrrr. (Waiting for him to do something similar with his trailer.)
Has everyone seen this Facebook page?
Some of the stuff is hysterical, some scary, some of them are learning opportunities…

Please, no “I don’t do FB because…” replies. No one cares.

That picture of the MH backed over the wall is about 15 years old. There's another old picture of a MH high-centered on RR tracks, and I almost got into that situation many years ago, but i was looking ahead, saw the raised RR track bed and turned onto a side street. I drove around that block and got back onto the road to go back the way I came, then found a different route.
I had a customer of mine come to the campground owned by the company (Lazy Days Tampa), called me in a panic. (following are his words). "BILLLL. There is sh#t coming off my roof! So I went in and checked the toilet, opened the valve and it was a brown geyser!”
nly way that can happen would be filling black tank beyond capacitry, and he had just pulled into the site. Told him to quick shut off fresh water, and to hook up the black tank to sewer and pull the valve. Told him I would be right over. He obviously had hooked up the flush.

We sent our detail folks over to give it a good cleaning and ‘like it never even happened’ before his wife arrived.
I've done the tank overfill twice, both times at hookup, forgetting to throw the valve back to "city" water.
Also, entry steps. I crushed a nice one and left another nice one behind, before resorting to Harbor Freight $8 folding step with a spare. Haven't lost one since.

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