Is ICE the problem??

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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
Wasilla, AK
Until a few years ago 100% of tire particulate pollution was ICE generated. Where was the outrage? You know it's a slow news day when they have to pick an arbitrary condition and portray it as a calamity.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
99% of cars on American roads are ICV. Sounds like an ICV problem to me.

FYI, “ICE” = “Internal Combustion Engine”

“ICV” = “Internal Combustion Vehicle”.

Are we talking about engines having tires or vehicles having tires?

No right wing bias. Just cherry picked things nobody cared about before EV’s and now suddenly everyone’s an environmentalist and an electrical grid engineer. How convenient.
The 3 EV enthusiasts will say those links are right wing publications. Remember if it's pro EV it's true. If not it's false.
There is endless anti-EV nonsense out there and most of it is easy to disprove.

Some of it is obvious, such as about the brakes. How can a brake that is not used cause pollution? EVs have them, but rarely get much use. ICE vehicles need brakes a lot. EV don't coast as do ICE vehicles; the regen slows them down to a total stop:

-Don- Reno, NV
I was honestly surprised at what popped up in my search. Knew it would cause dissent and DonTom’s brake comment would come in. LOL
But it’s focus is on tires. Amazing how low emissions are on ICE (or ICV) are now. Even lower emission than tires???? I can’t be sure but hey this wasn’t 1 right wing finding. I posted 3 links, many more were there. Seems too have some credibility.
I’m not seeing it as cherry picked. Doesn't really matter. Most minds made up, but for me it’s more food for thought. Vice go electric, save the world, never mind my thoughts or livelihood.
Re does ICE or EV cause more pollution.... Depends on who's paying for the study I think.. I've seen studies where a 2 to 1 ratio was turned into a 1/1 ratio due to the way things are analyzed. (this was in a different field)... Generally when you commission a study you get what you pay for.
I was honestly surprised at what popped up in my search. Knew it would cause dissent and DonTom’s brake comment would come in. LOL
But it’s focus is on tires. Amazing how low emissions are on ICE (or ICV) are now. Even lower emission than tires???? I can’t be sure but hey this wasn’t 1 right wing finding. I posted 3 links, many more were there. Seems too have some credibility.
I’m not seeing it as cherry picked. Doesn't really matter. Most minds made up, but for me it’s more food for thought. Vice go electric, save the world, never mind my thoughts or livelihood.


EV Derangement Syndrome.

What I find interesting is the same people who rage against EV for environmental concerns aren’t out there posting studies in regards to lifted pickup trucks with huge tires. Just EV’s.

I mean, if EV’s are the thing that finally got some people to start caring about the environment, then that’s a net positive in my book. The agenda is working ;)
As with all these stories, what is missing to a great extent is at what point(or location) does the majority of pollution take place? It it tailpipe? Dust from brake pads? Foundry’s where parts are cast? Refinery’s where petroleum products are produced? Open pit or underground mines for minerals? Power generation plants for electricity?
Out of sight, out of mind.
But it’s focus is on tires.
IOW, ignore the entire picture. There are a couple of ways where EVs really are not as clean as ICE. Tires and the building of the EV.

The countless ways where EVs are cleaner are way too many to list here.

Bottom line is that EVs are MUCH greener than ICE:

-Don- Reno, NV
The video is strictly about counting CO2 emissions. There's way more to the cycle life of anything than just "greenhouse gasses". Nothing said about the shltshow of hazardous materials and processes surrounding both ICE and EV production and disposal, along with the attendant fossil fuel and alternative energy generation impact.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
What I find interesting is the same people who rage against EV for environmental concerns aren’t out there posting studies in regards to lifted pickup trucks with huge tires. Just EV’s.
There is not state or federal policy mandating lifted pickup trucks though.
I saw, and shame on me for not saving, an article that said the carbon footprint of an EV is larger than that for an ICE until they hit around 30000 miles. This was apparently mostly due to the dramatically larger carbon footprint involved in mining and refining the raw materials for the electrical components of the EV. I would really like to see a comparison of environmental impact of EV v ICE from cradle to grave, aka from collecting/refining the raw materials to the ultimate disposal of the vehicle components. However, I think we will find the lair of the Loch Ness Monster easier than we will find someone to do the research and then draw a conclusion instead of starting with a conclusion and performing research to prove it.

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