$7600 to replace catalytic converter

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2010
I am in shock (and strongly considering just giving this RVing up). Our 2015 Fleetwood Storm (which we just got a little more than a year ago) - on a Ford F53 with a Triton V10 - started acting up in western North Dakota (we left from Oklahoma 2 weeks ago). Started lurching and surging, particularly under any load (inclines, wind). Threw code P0420 (Catalyst emission code), fuel mileage dropped and eventually just got worse and worse. LIMPED into Fargo yesterday afternoon at no more than 30 mph for the last 30 miles or so and got into Wallwork Truck Center (the only place around that could look at it, but they also seemed to be the only really good Ford place).

They spent most of the day with it and came back with me needing a new catalytic converter. Ford wants $5600 for the converter and once you added in labor and O2 sensors etc, etc - only a measly $7600 gets me out the door!

I told them I just couldn't do that and could we look at an aftermarket. I found one on Hottexhaust for approx $1600 (they had the Ford OEM one for $3200). I asked the dealership if they could install it if I bought it and they agreed (I think they were all in shock at the sticker price from Ford - the common refrain I heard from numerous folks was "Holy ****" - the gentlest being "Holy Buckets"). It should be here on Monday - while the one they wanted to order wouldn't be in for at least a week.

I know some have had trouble with aftermarket cats - but come on - $5600?? And the funny thing is as I've discussed this situation with numerous mechanics the most often heard sentiment is something like "knowing it's a Ford, it's probably the Cat. Why the insistence on putting another crappy Ford one in??

I don't know - I'm pretty confused - not knowing if I made the right decision...am I just going to keep having problems?? But - I can buy almost 4 of these for the price of 1 Ford converter. The people at Wallwork have been great by the way - letting us stay in our coach on the lot. I knew they would be expensive, but I'm just hoping that it IS the Catalytic converter.

Am I just asking for trouble?
Ya gotta do what you must to survive. Have you asked them if they can install a temporary test pipe in place of a new converter so you can get home? This used to be called a "test pipe" before all the sensors were added.
If they won't do that, DIY, measure exactly and have a muffler shop make one to fit, just don't tell why you need it made.
Do the DYI ‘test pipe’, and leave it in. The engine will probably run better than the ever.
The Catalytic Converter was stolen out of me 2010 and the muffler shop said it was obsolete and not to be found anywhere! I got a straight pipe put in ; it runs great, and it’s not much louder than normal either.
A) A dealer will never do a Cat delete and let it off their property. Federal Violation
B) It likely has a pre and post cat o2 sensor, it will throw codes and just generally screw up fuel trims.

I would never, and have never bought a Cat from a dealer and have used aftermarket ones on some very "Cat sensitive" vehicles with good results.
Thank you for the replies! I have been kind of obsessing over this the past few hours! Yelp has terrible reviews of this Hottexhaust company - granted it's only about 80 total reviews - while sitejabber has much better reviews.

dktool is exactly right - this truck center has signs posted all over about their compliance with EPA and emissions standards - and I wouldn't feel comfortable doing this anyway. And yes - there are 3 O2 sensors - 2 pre and one post (in the Cat itself)...

You made me feel a bit better about the aftermarket approach - thanks.
Do the DYI ‘test pipe’, and leave it in. The engine will probably run better than the ever.
Can only do that where there are no smog checks. In smog check areas, only until the next smog check.

I junked my 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo last year when it ran perfectly except for showing the P0420. I took it to one muffler shop and they wanted thousands of bucks to repair it. I donated that Jeep away. The CCs cost more than the Jeep was worth. But would be a great car as is in an area that requires no smog checks.

Other than showing the code, it ran perfectly. But Reno (where registered) requires a smog check every year on ICE vehicles that are more than two years old.

BTW, I just received an email that my 2022 Class A now has to get its first smog check. I need to drive it back to Reno ASAP. Perhaps I will make a longer RV trip out of that and head for Utah after the smog test, assuming it passes. Often newer vehicles are more difficult to pass because they have much higher requirements than older vehicles.

-Don- Auburn, CA
Some years ago, a work colleague owned a Mercedes car he'd bought new. I don't recall the details, but something required the catalytic converter to be replaced at the dealership every couple of years at MB' expense.
Aftermarket cats are just fine. They also have to be certified and meet standards, and, sometimes they come from the same suppliers that make OE cats.

The concern is why the cat became defective or plugged in the first place. You wouldn't want to put on a new cat if there's another problem that needs fixed first. It could be it just busted apart inside, happens sometimes. Not to worry you, but hopefully you'll ask questions of this mechanic that may ultimately save you money down the road.

Clogged cats can happen for a number of reasons. Coolant leaks/head gasket issues, persistent misfires, bad O2 sensors. Again, not trying to scare you, but it's worth getting down to root cause for such an expensive part replacement.
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I specifically asked about what led to the problem and he wasn't sure...he thought it might be linked to whatever happened when the original engine blew at the end of 2022 (before I purchased the coach in May of 2023 and after Ford had installed a new engine) and that it slowly gave out over the past 4-5k miles that I have driven it. He did say something about the center part of the converter not working right (??).

I am really unclear about bypassing emissions - Oklahoma does not have emission testing, but my understanding is that the federal government prohibits the altering of the emissions components - regardless of state. Is that incorrect?
is that the federal government prohibits the altering of the emissions components - regardless of state. Is that incorrect?
Yes, but if you're not in a smog test area, that is only a problem if you get caught! And that is unlikely.

Kinda like smoking weed, even for medical reasons, it is illegal under federal law everywhere in the USA--no exceptions But . . . .

-Don- Auburn, CA
Kinda like smoking weed, even for medical reasons, it is illegal under federal law everywhere in the USA--no exceptions But . . . .

-Don- Auburn, CA
A stupid law which is suspended in political limbo. Sha'carri Richardson our hometown Olympic sprinter was suspended from olympic competition in 2020 for testing positive for THC, which no one on the planet considers a performance enhancing drug, meantime the majority of the Chinese swim team tested positive 2 years ago for PHD's, was never sanctioned and is to the person swimming in Paris.
The area of Texas I live in does not require.
Collin County where we live does. The silly thing is MH's are not exempt from emissions testing ( yet), while the point in requiring the testing in the 7 major urban counties is to control air quality. Only thing is, who operates a MH in the county of registration except to leave?
And too, requiring emissions testing in the 7 counties was a compromise to appease the nattering nannies and maintain a revenue stream. Even w/o emissions testing the overwhelming majority aren't going to operate a vehicle without a CC, or with an emissions fault code. Were the case otherwise, legislators are implying "we trust you'll maintain your brakes but not your catalytic converter".
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